Employee Engagement Software

Unleashing Collaborative Potential, Tracking Performance, and Cultivating a Culture of Success.

March 2023-April 2023


Product Designer




Adobe Illustrator


QDesk is an innovative employee engagement and collaboration software that makes communication seamless, facilitates task management, and empowers collaboration. It enables organizations to enhance productivity, recognize achievements, and foster a supportive work environment while promoting work-life balance and personal growth.


The existing communication and performance tracking methods within organizations lack efficiency, transparency, and engagement, resulting in decreased productivity, miscommunication, and disengaged employees, highlighting the need for a more effective UI/UX solution.


The goal of our QDesk project is to create a cutting-edge employee engagement software that transforms how we manage our workforce, leading to improved communication, streamlined task management, and enhanced collaboration, ultimately fostering a work environment where employees are motivated, connected, and empowered to succeed.

Design Process

User Research

Due to the limitations of resources and time constraints, formal user research in the form of surveys and interviews was not conducted for this project. Instead, insights were gathered by analyzing existing data and feedback from similar software solutions available in the market. While this approach provided valuable insights into user needs and preferences. We recognize the importance of directly engaging with our own employees and understand that their feedback and perspectives are essential for a comprehensive understanding of their needs.

To address this, prior to initiating the design process for QDesk, internal discussions were conducted within our company. These discussions involved CEO, managers, team leaders, and employees, who shared their insights and perspectives based on their experiences within the organization. The discussions helped us gain a deeper understanding of the specific needs and requirements of our employees, as well as the areas where improvements were desired. While this approach may not substitute formal user research, it provided a foundation of knowledge that informed the design and development of QDesk.

Additionally, analysis of publicly available data from reputable sources on the internet was conducted. This research included studying industry trends, best practices, and insights on employee engagement and monitoring. The data collected provided a broader understanding of the challenges and pain points commonly associated with employee engagement and monitoring in various organizations.

By combining the insights from internal discussions and the analysis of existing data, we gained valuable information that guided the design decisions for QDesk. However, ongoing engagement with our employees will remain crucial to gather their specific insights and feedback, ensuring that QDesk effectively meets their needs in our unique organizational context.






Communication Challenges.





Task Management Inefficiencies.





Attendance Tracking Issues.


Employee Engagement Concerns.


Leave Management Complexity.


Very Expensive.

Target Audience

QDesk is a transformative software designed specifically for employees, offering a centralized platform to streamline communication, task management, attendance/leave management and collaboration, empowering them to enhance productivity, achieve recognition, and thrive in a supportive work environment that values personal growth and work-life balance.

Competitive Analysis

Had done the competitive analysis.

Information Architecture

It took multiple review sessions with the product owner/ CEO to get insights on how the individual components of the Software were interdependent and interlinked with each other.

I have illustrated the same in the diagram below for understanding.

Design System

The UI design process started with creating a consistent design system which included a cohesive system of buttons, typography, color palette, modals, etc.

The blue color is a bold choice for the brand. This makes the product stand out from competition, and also evokes a sense of Modern, technology and trust.

UI Designs

The UI design process started with creating a consistent design system which included a cohesive system of buttons, typography, color palette, modals, etc.

The blue color is a bold choice for the brand. This makes the product stand out from competition, and also evokes a sense of Modern, technology and trust.

Next Steps





Launch MVP and improve usability based on user feedback.





Include ways to make and track accomplishments, create game plan templates, and voice/video calling.





To gain investors, we need to be profitable thus adding paid package options to provide financial stability, while also giving users premium features.


Continue to fix and manage usability issues that occur!

I learned a lot.

Honestly, this was a pretty stressful project to work on but also very insightful. Throughout my involvement in the QDesk project, I have experienced significant personal and professional growth. I have gained a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by employees, particularly those working from home, and the importance of addressing their needs for effective communication, task management, attendance tracking, and leave management.

As a product designer, I have embraced a user-centered design approach, gathering user requirements and incorporating feedback into the design process. Although formal user research was not conducted, I leveraged existing data and feedback from similar software solutions available in the market to inform my design decisions.

Collaboration and communication have been essential aspects of this project. I have honed my skills in effectively communicating with stakeholders, gathering their insights, and working collaboratively to develop a solution that meets their specific needs and preferences.

Problem-solving and iterative design have been integral to overcoming challenges encountered during the project. I have learned to analyze feedback, make improvements, and iterate on my designs to create a better user experience.

Communicate! Communicate! Communicate!

There is nothing more important than communication for any project. Communicate with teammates, communicate with stakeholders/clients, communicate with developers — constant and smooth communication is the key to a great end-product.

Tuphan Bannerjee

CEO of Mtrench

Santosh's intuitive user flow design was instrumental in creating a user-friendly interface for our SaaS platform. Their availability, work ethic, and results-oriented approach make them a valuable asset to any design team. Highly recommended!

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| Designed & Developed by Santosh Sonnad

© 2024 - All Rights Reserved.

| Designed & Developed by Santosh Sonnad

© 2024 - All Rights Reserved.

| Designed & Developed by Santosh Sonnad

© 2024 - All Rights Reserved.

| Designed & Developed by Santosh Sonnad

Santosh Sonnad

Web Designer

Webflow Expert

Framer Expert

Tea Lover ☕

Santosh Sonnad

Web Designer

Webflow Expert

Framer Expert

Tea Lover ☕